2019-20 Client Experience Survey results

By Dianne Wallace, Director, Quality
A significant amount of time has passed since SPRINT Senior Care clients completed our annual Client Experience and Satisfaction survey in the spring. Although we have been focusing on providing safe care and delivering services in new ways during the pandemic, we have not lost sight of the importance of listening to client and family feedback. We have used your feedback from the survey to make client experience improvements this year.
The number of survey respondents for the 2019-20 Client Experience and Satisfaction survey were lower this year because the survey rolled out when the first pandemic lockdown occurred, and we could not distribute the survey at all of our in-person programs. Still, we received responses from a good cross-section of clients who access a variety of services and programs. We value the feedback we received, and are pleased that results indicate client satisfaction remains high. Please see below for results compared to the previous year.
Based on survey feedback, we have undertaken some quality improvement work this year.
Many folks told us they would like it to be easier to book a transportation ride. In response to this feedback, we implemented a new phone notification system. Clients who have a ride scheduled can now receive an automated reminder the day before their scheduled ride. They can opt to be notified by text, email, and/or voicemail. When clients get this reminder, they can cancel their ride if needed. We initially had a few glitches with this new technology, but we are happy to have it fully working now. If you are using this new notification system, please let us know how it is working for you.
We are also moving forward with an online booking tool in which transportation clients can go online to see their schedule, and book or cancel their own rides.
The positive results we received in response to the following statement were significantly lower this year compared to last year: “SPRINT Senior Care is sensitive to who I am as an individual (for example: gender identity, sexual orientation, language, religion, culture, and disability).”
We feel it is important to understand this result better. Our Client and Family Advisory Council recommends that we ask this question again in the next survey and provide room for respondents to provide examples. More specific feedback will help us identify what action we may need to take. We hope clients will take the time to complete the survey and provide their valuable feedback, particularly on this question.
Working in partnership with our clients and families, SPRINT Senior Care will continue to work to improve client experience with our services and build a collaborative, caring community.
2019-20 Client Experience Survey Results (compared to 2018-19)
- 99% would recommend SPRINT Senior Care to family or friends. (99% in 2018)
- 99% gave an overall positive rating for quality of care/services. (99% in 2018)
- 96% felt services met their needs. (95% in 2018)
- 98% felt services helped them to feel more confident living in their own home. (98% in 2018)
- 92% felt they received services at times or days that were good for them. (89% in 2018)
- 87% felt confident that SPRINT Senior Care would connect them to other services or help if needed. (91% in 2018)
- 92% felt SPRINT Senior Care staff explain things in a way that is easy to understand. (96% in 2018)
- 95% felt SPRINT Senior Care staff listen carefully to them. (97% in 2018)
- 98% felt treated with courtesy and respect. (98% in 2018).
- 90% felt involved developing and adjusting their plan for care or services. (93% in 2018)
- 84% felt SPRINT Senior Care was sensitive to them as an individual, for example gender identity, sexual orientation, language, religion, culture or disability. (90% in 2018)
- 93% knew who to contact at SPRINT Senior Care if they needed more information or help. (91% in 2018)
- 92% felt SPRINT Senior Care’s services/programs had a positive impact on their quality of life. (90% in 2018)
- 99% felt SPRINT Senior Care’s written communications (e.g. newsletter, welcome packages and other notices) were useful. (90% in 2018)