North Toronto Ontario Health Team to Improve Coordination of Care

The Ontario government has announced the North Toronto Ontario Health Team will move forward with building a connected health care system, making it easier for patients and families to navigate the system and transition between providers.
Robin Martin, Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Health, made the announcement on Wednesday, December 4 at SPRINT Senior Care.
“With our new North Toronto Ontario Health Team, patients will benefit from better integrated health care, with a seamless experience when moving between different health care services, providers and settings,” said Martin. “I would like to thank all the health care providers and organizations that helped plan the North Toronto Ontario Health Team; there is lots of work to be done, but with their dedication and hard work, we will continue to improve health care in our communities and ensure Ontarians get the care they deserve.”
The North Toronto Ontario Health Team is the result of significant work and strong collaboration from a number of partners:
- Baycrest
- LOFT Community Services
- Patients, families and caregivers
- Primary care providers
- SE Health
- SPRINT Senior Care
- Sunnybrook
- Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network Home and Community Care
- Unison Health & Community Services
- VHA Home HealthCare
- Vibrant Healthcare Alliance
“The partners of the North Toronto Ontario Health Team have demonstrated an extremely collaborative spirit; we are committed to ensuring residents thrive in their communities,” says Stacy Landau, CEO, SPRINT Senior Care. “We share the same goal – to make our health care system better for patients, clients and their families.”
The North Toronto Ontario Health Team will continue to grow its strategic focus to ensure connected care for all people living in North Toronto. In the first year, partners will focus their efforts on improving access and ensuring seamless navigation and coordination of care for frail seniors.
Cherie Miller’s mother is 88 years old and receives support from SPRINT Senior Care. “We have been very fortunate to receive excellent, caring and responsive healthcare services. None the less, the healthcare system is very complex, fragmented, and siloed,” says Cherie. “The Ontario Health Teams are committed to improving communication and changing practices between agencies and with clients and caregivers. This integrated model will improve our healthcare system and is an excellent step forward.
The North Toronto Ontario Health Team is committed to creating a model of care to ensure there is a connected system of care for all health care providers and agencies in North Toronto. The partners will work together to ensure patients are accessing the right care when they need it most.
“This partnership is a remarkable opportunity to ensure connected care for all people living in North Toronto. The North Toronto Ontario Health Team is truly invested in the health of our community, and includes primary care physicians, patient and family advisers, mental health and addiction services, community agencies, home care and two hospitals. This focused collaboration will explore how local health services can be better coordinated to improve health outcomes and patient experience,” says Dr. Andy Smith, Chair, North Toronto Ontario Health Team planning committee and President and CEO, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.