Caregiver Relief and Support Services

This program is currently on hold.
The mental, emotional, and physical demands of caregiving are high. Often caregivers face such issues as providing intensive caring for others at the expense of self-care, having limited resources, and balancing the strains of work and family life.
SPRINT Senior Care has services to help caregivers cope with such demands, include respite through our day program, home care relief, and support groups.
Support Groups
SPRINT Senior Care offers several support groups for different populations, to meet a variety of needs. They include our Peer Support Group and two Caregiver Support Groups.
SPRINT Senior Care’s Peer Support Group offers seniors opportunities to share information and experiences with other seniors in a warm, relaxing environment. Its two-hour sessions include guest speakers and discussions on topics of interest to seniors living independently in the community, such as nutrition, fall prevention, and memory improvement. The Peer Support Group takes place every other Friday afternoon at SPRINT Senior Care’s main office on 130 Merton Street. (This program is currently on hold.)
SPRINT Senior Care’s Caregiver Support Group provides caregivers of people with dementia with opportunities to learn and share in a supportive setting with others experiencing similar situations. It takes place on the last Monday of every month in the afternoon at SPRINT Senior Care’s Adult Day Program at 1 William Morgan Drive. (This program is currently on hold.)
All SPRINT Senior Care support groups are facilitated by a registered social worker and require pre-registration with a SPRINT Senior Care Social Worker; they are not drop-in based. For more information, or to register, call 416-481-6411 or email