Supportive Housing Program

SPRINT Senior Care’s Supportive Housing program provides on-site services 24 hours a day to help eligible residents with their daily activities at four Toronto Community Housing (TCH) buildings. These TCH buildings comprise George Barker Manor (384 Mount Pleasant Rd.), Janet Magee Manor (71 Merton St.), Montgomery Place (130 Eglinton Ave. E), and Moore Place (801 Mount Pleasant Rd.). Services support clients’ independence and include timely response to emergency situations, as well as personal care, meal preparation, laundry, security checks, and medication monitoring. Case management and referrals to other SPRINT Senior Care services are also available to clients as needed. Additionally, SPRINT Senior Care’s Community Wellness Programs are offered at the above buildings. View our calendar detailing our Community Wellness programs.
To find out more information about SPRINT Senior Care’s Supportive Housing services for residents of the TCH buildings listed above, or details about service eligibility, call 416-481-6411, or email
SPRINT Senior Care does not manage housing applications for TCH buildings.
Please see the information below on how to apply for a unit in a TCH building.
How to Apply
To apply for Rent-Geared-to-Income (RGI) housing you must complete the RGI Housing Application here.
Waiting List
Currently, there is a long waiting list for applicants. An applicant can expect to wait seven years or more for a bachelor unit, 12 years or more for a one-bedroom unit, and 10 years or more for larger unit sizes.
Wait times may vary depending on a number of factors, including how many building choices an applicant selects and the location of the buildings. In order to maintain your eligibility, you must confirm your interest in remaining on the waiting list every 18 months. You must also notify the City of Toronto of any changes to your information.
Three Refusals Policy
Eligible applicants may receive up to three housing offers by housing providers. However, once you refuse three offers, you and your household will be removed from the waiting list and will not be receiving an offer of housing.
Learn more about the City of Toronto’s Rent-Geared-to-Income Program, and read more about Seniors Housing Services.
Need more housing information?
In Person: Visit a Housing Help Centre near you or visit the Housing Connections Resource Centre.
Online: Send an email to for a response within 72 hours.
Telephone: Access to Housing Resource Centre: 416-338-8888