South Korean delegates visit SPRINT Senior Care to Learn about Toronto Ride

Neighbor System’s Jungwook Choi, Principal Research Scientist and Chisong Ryu, Senior Researcher, joined by interpreter Emma Lim, Women’s Empowerment Program Facilitator at North York Women’s Centre, visited SPRINT Senior Care on Wednesday, January 24, 2018, to learn about Toronto Ride.
The delegates met with our team to discuss how Toronto Ride provides transportation services for older adults and people with disabilities, and they were particularly interested in learning about the challenges we have faced and how we have dealt with them. Through a demonstration of our centralized scheduling software, we showed how it enables us to work more closely together with our partner agencies.
This meeting was a great opportunity to learn about how Toronto Ride differs from comparable transportation services in South Korea; yet how they are similar in many ways, with the same challenges being faced such as securing sufficient funding for vehicles and providing equitable service for all clients, regardless of where they live.
We are very thankful to Jungwook, Chisong and Emma for taking the time to visit and learn about Toronto Ride.